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6 yoga poses for kidney and liver detox

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In matters of digestion and overall well-being, the liver plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency. Yoga provides a potent means of detoxification and stimulation for the liver through targeted postures. The kidneys, on the other hand, manage fluid levels, filter waste, expel toxins from the blood, regulate blood pressure, and facilitate the activation of vitamin D for strong bones, among other functions.

Disregarding kidney health can result in chronic kidney disease (CKD), where the body permits the accumulation of waste and excess water, leading to various health complications. Taking proactive measures, such as managing blood sugar levels, ceasing tobacco and alcohol use, can significantly safeguard kidney health.

Managing blood sugar

According to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, yoga guru, founder, Akshar Yoga Kendraa, “Diabetes and high blood pressure are primary concerns for jeopardizing kidney health. Well-established is the link between exercise, proper nutrition, and their positive effects on heart health and weight management. Embracing a healthier lifestyle, underscored by the holistic practice of yoga, can notably benefit kidney function.”

Asanas and pranayama
According to Yogacharya Akhil Gore, Founder RouteIn Yoga, “The demands of a stressful job, inadequate sleep, and poor sleep quality collectively contribute to stress, ultimately weakening the kidneys. Yoga exerts direct influence over stress management, fostering a sense of tranquility and augmenting one's capacity to effectively navigate stressful circumstances.”

Anulom Vilom Pranayama – Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique

With your thumb, gently close your right nostril. Inhale through your left nostril, then close it and exhale through the right. Inhale through the right, close it, and exhale solely through the left. This completes one cycle.

Yoga Asanas
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
• Commence by lying on your stomach.
• Bend your knees and clasp your ankles using your palms.
• Secure a firm grip.
• Elevate your legs and arms to their utmost extent.
• Direct your gaze upward, maintaining the posture for a period.

Posture Formation
• Start in Samasthithi, feet together.
• Exhale and gently incline your upper body, letting your head drop while keeping shoulders and neck relaxed.
• While folding forward, endeavor to pivot your torso at the hip joints, rather than the waist.
• Clasp your big toes, inhale, and lift your gaze as you extend your arms.
• Exhale, folding forward.
• Strive to keep your legs and knees straight throughout; beginners may slightly bend knees.
• Gradually straighten knees with practice.
• Repeat the asana.

Posture Formation
• Begin supine.
• Bend knees and rest feet on the floor.
• Draw your feet towards your pelvis by walking.
• Extend arms alongside your body over the floor.
• Grasp your ankles with your palms.
• Gradually raise your pelvis and back from the floor.
• Form a gentle arch in the back, aiming to touch your chin to your chest.
• Focus your vision skyward.

Naukasana (Boat Pose)
Posture Formation
• Lie supine.
• Elevate upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones.
• Align toes with your eyes.
• Maintain straight knees and back.
• Extend arms parallel to the ground, forward.
• Engage abdominal muscles.
• Keep your back straight.
• Breathe normally.


Posture Formation
• Stand upright, arms alongside your body.
• Bend your knees, lowering pelvis over heels.
• Ensure feet remain flat on the floor.
• Place palms on the floor beside your feet or clasp them in a prayer gesture at your chest.
• Maintain an erect spine.

Complementing these yoga postures, dietary adjustments can enhance liver and kidney health. Increase dietary fiber, substitute caffeine with green tea, and ensure adequate intake of Vitamin C. Incorporating turmeric, nuts, and elevating the consumption of leafy greens further contributes to improved well-being.

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